Someone I bumped into while on duck duty: the "Clothier to the King," Bernard Lansky. 

Bernard Lansky, Clothier to the King Owner of the Lansky Brothers clothing store in the Peabody Hotel, Mr. "B," as he is affectionately known, is a local legend. 79 years old and feisty, he was recently honored with his own "Duck Feet" on The Peabody Duck Walk of Fame (Memphis's version of the Hollywood walk.) 

He shared this story:

Before Elvis Presley made it to the big time, he worked as an usher at the local Loew's movie theater. He used to windown-shop at the Lansky Brothers clothing store downtown. One day he finally made his way into the store and bought a shirt for $3.95. The next week he bought another shirt. After that there was no stopping him. Beginning in the early 1950s, continuing through his film career in the 60s and into his concert touring years in the 70s, Elvis went to Lansky's for the special clothes that made him the King, including his famous combination of black and pink clothing and flipped up collars. Apparently, Elvis was worried that a regular collar would crush his duck-tail hair style. Soon everyone stopped by the shop asking for whatever pieces Elvis was wearing and other stars came looking for help with their own signature styles, including Jerry Lee Lewis, Johnny Cash, and B.B. King. Pretty unbelievable...

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